The Alpian roller-coaster

Yes, the Alps were well and truly a roller-coaster.

But let’s take it all back where it started. I was slowly riding my way to Switzerland. After all, why not follow Mrs. Cow’s advice? The grass is always greener in the neighbours’ garden! (Or something along these lines).

And as any roller-coaster worthy of its name, it began… Not with the rush, nor the thrill or even the adrenaline. No, no. It began like all others with a slow, painstaking and unending slope. I’m sure you know the kind. The kind where once you embark on the journey you begin to question your judgement, why inflict yourself such trials.

Well, the first peak I climbed brought me to this lovely couple who offered me to stay the night at their place: Eric and Domi. That first night among those towering mountains has definitely been a highlight of my trip so far. I am so glad to have met you!

The day after (not without taking my time and ending up staying for lunch!) I sped down back to the other side of the mountains. Following their wise advice I circled along the Northern part of Switzerland. Fewer mountains, you see. I like them, oh yes, indeed I do! But sometimes just seeing them from afar is good enough!

But that epiphany didn’t last. One does not simply venture into Mordor Switzerland without climbing mountains. Up, and down. Up, and down. As many of my fellow European peers will agree, this is not quite the best moment to go and ride up the mountains. But despite the temperatures rising to insane records, the super hard slopes, I made it. And at the top where even some cyclists who passed me by during the climb and who cheered me when they finally saw me arrive.

At least, the drying part of the laundry doesn’t take that long anymore! And Mia keeps up the swag, as always.

You’d imagine they wouldn’t be so packed. First time I though of penguins herding to one another when seeing sheeps.

So, why was I climbing those hills already? Sometimes pictures speak volumes.

Oh, and remember how I tried to learn at least a few sentences in German? That was an utter and undeniable failure. It is a funny thing really, when people expect a native right up to the moment you begin to talk. They all suddenly make this face. All the lines of their visage begin to screw up, the eyes narrow, the mouth sets itself in this snarl-like fashion and the eyebrows rise up, up, up (or down, down, down depending on the person). Almost as high as those mountains around. Really, this makes the whole experience all the more fun. It feels like they are concentrating very hard to decipher an overly difficult and most cryptic math problem. But no. It’s just a flailing stranger trying to align two words in their tongue, really.

Despite all their faces and my stuttering, they usually understand that I am asking for water (It’s usually the case). And after profusely thanking them for it (I mean, I know the word, might as well use it!), I go on my way.

After Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and then Austria. There, the challenge really begins. One day after another, you set up this routine which gets you to the next day. A tough climb, to be sure. But as tough as it gets, I am tougher still. One climb, then rest, eat, sleep. Then another, then rest, eat, sleep. One step at a time. And before you know it you climbed thousands of meters, passed through hundreds of kilometres and one day you ride down the last mountain side and you finally realise you’ve overcome all those trials. But not today, I am not quite out of the Alps, yet. But yet I breath, and still I go, strong as ever. I am still alive, now more than ever.

Today, I arrived in Innsbruck which happens to be a lovely city full of wonders around each corner.

Now, I am on my way South to Italia. I’m already a bit more confident to handle the language, but who knows what more surprise could happen.

Until next time,

With love,

Chloé and Mia

3 thoughts on “The Alpian roller-coaster”

  1. Ces montagnes russes , ne sont-elles pas part d’une des destinations envisagées (Moscou…bidou !) ? Ouvert des comptes en Suisse et au Liechtenstein ? Et les Autrechiens ? Sympa ou… ? Allez, Arrivée d’air chaud ! Super !

  2. Gravir les Alpes en vélo chargé comme un âne en pleine canicule, je comprends ton questionnement sur le pourquoi! Dès que tu auras la réponse, dis moi;)

    Keep ‘cool’

    1. Non tu te trompes ! L’âne c’est pas moi, c’est Mia ! Et la réponse c’est 42 😉

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